Move App To Desktop Mac
Jan 04, 2020 Moving podcast episodes and books would be problematic due to their default locations, but you don't have to move them. Just open the Podcasts app on your new Mac.
On Windows 10, Microsoft is introducing the concept of virtual desktops. This feature has been around in other operating systems for a long while, even Windows XP had the Virtual Desktop Manager PowerToy utility, but the software giant is now bringing the feature to its new operating system.
Microsoft calls the feature Virtual Desktop by opening the Task View with the button located on the Taskbar (or using the Windows + Tab keyboard shortcut). The feature allows users to create different “virtual desktops” to run different sets of applications on separate desktops to keep things organized and not too clutter.

In this Windows 10 guide, you’ll learn two ways in which you can move apps between virtual desktops.
How to move apps between virtual desktops on Windows 10
To move an app to a new desktop, do the following:
Move App To Desktop Mac App
Click the Task View button on the taskbar. (You can also use Windows key + Tab keyboard shortcut.)
If you’re running a single desktop, click the (+) button at the bottom of the screen to create a new virtual desktop. Right-click the app you want move, select Move to, and select the desktop you want to move the app.
Note that you can also select New desktop, which will create a new virtual desktop for the app you want.
Mac Desktop App Development
Alternatively, inside Task View, you can simply click and drag the app to another desktop, or to the New desktop button, which will automatically create a new desktop for the app.